BIOboard at Dibla Design People 2019 conference | BIOboard

BIOboard at Dibla Design People 2019 conference


In the first week of April, DIBLA again gathered more than 100 of the most prominent native designers and representatives of thirteen of the leading companies in the branch of the annual Design People conference in Plovdiv.
BIOBOARD presented its activity as the main producer of green walls of Scandinavian moss and other natural plants in a preserved form to over 100 of the leading interior designers in Bulgaria.

БИОборд представят серията зелени стени MOSS wild

БИОборд на Dibla Design People

The company's presentation was accepted with great interest from the audience, and Lyubomir Lyubomirov demonstrated some of the main qualities of Scandinavian moss coatings MOSS design, presented their latest product MOSS wild and answered to many questions from the interested audience.

Зелени пана от скандинавски мъх БИОборд на Дибла Design people 2019